Alternatives to Liposuction

Liposuction - Dr. Nassif

Liposuction is a fairly invasive procedure. Fortunately, there are now several liposuction alternatives that offer body contouring and fat removal without surgery. While these procedures generally do not produce results as dramatic as liposuction, they can safely address problem areas that don’t respond to diet and exercise.


Liposonix is a liposuction alternative that targets and eliminates fat around the abdomen and love handles. This safe, non-invasive procedure uses high-intensity ultrasound waves to break down fatty deposits that are hard to reach, and it’s designed for patients who just need a little help reaching their ideal size when exercise and diet don’t work completely.

Liposonix takes about an hour and takes an average of one inch off, which can leave you one pant size smaller. You can immediately resume normal activities. Results are not immediately, though, as it can take 8-12 weeks before your body processes the fat out of your body.


Smartlipo is a laser-assisted lipolysis procedure that addresses stubborn fat in the chest, neck, arms, face and abdomen. Smartlipo uses focused thermal energy, which disrupts fat tissue while tightening the skin. This procedure may be ideal if you want to reduce stubborn fatty deposits while enjoying tighter skin.

Smartlipo is performed under anesthesia. During the procedure, the surgeon uses a cannula to access the fatty deposits through which the laser is administered. This procedure is minimally invasive so it will cause less trauma than liposuction with fewer side effects. Unlike traditional liposuction, smartlipo can address excess skin through collagen retraction, which tightens your skin.

The thermal energy tightens tissue but also reduces blood supply to fat tissues. Patients who choose Smartlipo over liposuction experience less bruising, swelling and pain for a speedier recovery.


The Zerona procedure is designed for people with stubborn body fat that doesn’t respond to exercise or diet. This body contouring laser treatment removes fat from problem areas while contouring the body for a slier look. The procedure works by breaking down fatty tissues which are then naturally eliminated by the body. Zerona laser treatments take about 40-60 minutes and are non-invasive. Unlike liposuction, Zerona produces no scars and virtually no pain. The average patient loses 3.5 inches after two weeks of treatment. This loss represents actual fat, as the treatment does not result in lost water water. There is also no recovery period for Zerona so you can resume normal activities immediately.

Dr. Paul Nassif offers these liposuction alternatives for patients who have minimal fat to remove, as well as traditional liposuction for more dramatic results. Non-surgical body contouring techniques have changed dramatically over the last two decades and these procedures are now safer and more effective than ever. While no non-surgical procedure can give the results of surgery, these alternatives to liposuction are ideal if you have a small amount of fat to remove and want a sleeker appearance with minimal or no recovery tie.